Rabu, 06 April 2011

Science Winds Blow

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    When I joined the college staff that I learned a lot about the wind blows ..

  Definition of wind blows:
Blow Wind Science is the science that raise and integrated with nature, especially the wind, also called wind hanasir ..

The function of the wind blows:
-For energy threw punches through the air / wind.
-To protect yourself from those attacks naughty, wicked and particularly from the disorder attacks spirits (demons)
-For telemedicine also use the wind blows but cuman as from other scientific throw .. and many more functions ..

    Tips for mastering the wind blows my version:
1. intention to meditate and gather together with the natural forces of nature
2. Taking wind power by arms straight above the head with a borrowed god yes reading is your strength to become one with nature and to worship thee.
3. Fasting 7 days simply because the creator of this world is god.

    How to use:
1. intention
2.baca Takbir (Allah) 3 x
3. Throw ...

May the knowledge that I told beneficial for this world ... Do not forget we live here solely because of god,,,

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Miracle Prayer In Health Sciences

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In Islam, prayer that has huge levels of interest. The evidence is as follows:

1. Prayer is the second pillar of Islam.

2. Prayer is the earliest slave charity brought to account (calculated) later in the day of Judgement. If accepted, it will be accepted also other charities. Vice versa, if rejected it also rejected another charity.

3. Prayer is the earliest slave charity brought to account (calculated) later in the day of Judgement. If accepted, it will be accepted also other charities. Vice versa, if rejected it also rejected another charity.

4. People who maintain it means have kept the faith. While the waste it must he wasted another.

5. Size of Islam in one's heart like the content of prayer in his heart. Similarly, someone in the religion section as part of him in his prayer.

6. Prayer is a strong evidence about the love of a servant to his Lord and a sign of gratitude to the good-pleasure.

7. Because of urgency, then God ordered the implementation of the conditions however, either in transit or stay, in a state of war or peace and in good health or illness.

8. Similarly, all texts (both verses or hadith) states clearly that people who leave the prayer is a kafir. The Prophet said: "Verily, the barrier between a person with disbelief and kesyirikan was leaving prayer. " (Narrated by Muslim). He also said: "The agreement between us and them is prayer, so whoever left it was an infidel. " (Narrated by Ahmad and the owners of the Book of Sunan). Therefore, if the person who left off praying, then he infidels and do not need to be bathed, not shrouded, not dishalatkan, not buried in the cemetery of the Muslims, their property should not be inherited by a Muslim family but included in the Baitul Mal of the Muslims and the law-other law.

Prayer was not only a major practice in the next, but the prayer movements most proportional to the anatomy of the human body. Even from a medical point, prayer is a drug warehouse of various types of diseases.

God, the Creator, knows exactly what is needed by his creatures, especially humans. All the commandments are not only worth piety, but also has huge benefits for the human body itself. For example, fasting, God commands in all three pillars of this highly acclaimed by the medical benefits and the western world scientists. They also necessarily involved fasting for themselves and their patients' health.

So it is with prayer. Prayer worship is worship that is most appropriate for the human body's metabolism and texture. Movements in the prayer also has the benefit of each.

1. Takbiratul Ihram
Stand up straight, raise both hands parallel tlinga, then fold it in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This movement is beneficial to blood flow, lymph nodes (lymph), and arm muscle strength. The position of the heart below the brain allows blood to flow smooth throughout the body. When held up both hands, stretching the shoulder muscles so that the oxygen-rich blood flow to be smooth. Then both hands in front didekapkan stomach or lower chest. This attitude avoids the various joint disorders, especially in the upper body.

2. Bowing
Ruku 'perfect marked a straight spine so that when placed over a glass of water on the back will not spill. The position of the head with the spine straight. This movement is beneficial to maintain the perfection of the position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a buffer body and central nervous. Heart position parallel to the brain, the maximum blood flow in the middle of the body. Hand resting on knee function to relax the muscles of the shoulder to bottom. In addition, the bow is a means of training for urinary so prostate disorders can be prevented.

3. I'tidal
Wake up from ruku ', the body back upright after raising both hands as high as the ears. I'tidal a variation of the posture after bowing and before prostration. This movement is beneficial as exercise is good for the digestive organs. At I'tidal done, the organs of digestion in the stomach massage and relaxation alternately. Sure give effect to aid digestion.

4. Prostration
Menungging by putting both hands, knees, toes, and forehead on the floor. Prostration useful to pump lymph into the neck and armpits. Position of heart in the upper brain regions rich in oxygen can cause the maximum flow to the brain. This flow effect on one's thinking power. Therefore, you should do prostrations with tuma'ninah, no rush of blood for sufficient capacity in the brain. The position of this kind of disorder a person avoid hemorrhoids. Especially for women, both bowing and prostrating to have tremendous benefits for fertility and health of female organs.

5. Sitting among Sujud
Sitting after prostration consists of two kinds of iftirosy (tahiyat early) and tawarru '(tahiyat end). The difference lies in the position of your feet. when iftirosy, the body rests on the groin that is connected with nerve nerve Ischiadius. This position is able to avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Sitting tawarru 'very good for men because the heel pressing flow bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and channel vas deferens. If done correctly, this position can prevent impotence. Variations in the position of your foot and tawarru iftirosy 'cause the whole leg muscle also re-stretch and then relax. This harmony of motion and pressure that maintain the flexibility and power of the organs of our movement.

6. Greeting
The twist head to the right and left, to the fullest. Greetings useful to useful to relax the muscles around the neck and head improve blood flow in the head so as to prevent headaches and keep the facial skin firmness.

- Ooo -

Prostration movement is unique. Prostration to have the philosophy that people subjugate themselves as low, even lower than his own ass. From the viewpoint of science of psychoneuroimmunology (the study on immune from the psychological point of view) the deepening Prof. Soleh, this movement leads man to the highest degree. Why?

By doing regular prostration movement, blood vessels in the brain is trained to accept a lot of oxygen supply. At the time of prostration, heart position is above the head which allows maximum blood flow to the brain. That is, the brain get oxygen-rich blood supply which increases the cells. In other words, tuma'ninah and continuous prostration which could trigger an increase in intelligence.

Every inch of the human brain needs enough blood to function normally. The blood will not enter the nerves in the brain but when someone bowed in prayer. Nerve requires blood for a few moments only. This means that blood will enter the vein follows the prayer time, as has been required in Islam.

Research on top has received recognition from Harvard University, USA. Even an American doctor who did not know have embraced Islam after secretly researching the special development of the movement of prostration. In addition, movements in prayed briefly looked like yoga or stretching (stretching). In essence, useful to flex the body and blood circulation. Excellence prayer than any other movement is in our prayers more moving limbs, including toes and hands.

Prostration is a specific muscle strength exercises, including chest muscle. While prostrating, the burden of upper body until your arms ditumpukan on the palms. This is when muscle contraction occurs in the chest, body parts that became the pride of women. Breasts not only become more beautiful shape, but also improve the function of the milk glands in it.

Still in a prostrate position, other benefits that you can enjoy the weather are the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis and obliqus abdominis External) full-time contracts rose hips and waist beyond the head and chest. This condition is trained around the abdominal organs to push deeper and longer that assist in the delivery process. Because of the labor required of good breathing and ability to push stocks. If your abdominal muscles has evolved into bigger and stronger, so naturally, this muscle became elastic. Prostrate habit causes the body to restore and maintain the abdominal organs back into place (fixation).

After doing prostrations, we do sit movement. In prayer there are two types of seat: iftirosy (tahiyat early) and tawaru '(tahiyat end). The most important thing is to take the muscle-muscle perineal area. For women, in this region there are three liang liang persenggamaan ie, rectum to remove feces, and urinary tract. When tawarru ', left heel should press the perineum.

The back foot should be placed in the palm of his left foot and right heel should press the right groin. In this position the heel of your left leg will massage and pressing the perineum. This gentle pressure to improve the reproductive organs in the perineum.

Basically, the entire movement aimed at rejuvenating the body's prayer. If the body supple, skin cell damage and little happens. Moreover, if done regularly, then the damaged cells that can be immediately replaced. Regeneration was going smoothly. Consequently, the body always fit.

According to Prof research. Dr. Muhammad Soleh in his dissertation entitled "The Effect of Increased Tahajud Prayer Changes Imonologik Body Resistance Response: An Approach Neuroimunologi" with a dissertation that, Soleh won the title Doctor in the field of medical science at the University of Surabaya graduate programs that maintain some time ago.

Prayers tahajud was not merely an additional prayer (sunnah muakkad), but if done regularly and sincerely will be able to cope with cancer. Medically, prayer tahajud able to raise immune response (immunological), particularly in imunoglobin F, G, A, and limfositnya a form of perception and positive motivation. It also can streamline the ability of individuals to overcome problems encountered.

During this time, scholars saw only as a matter of mental sincere psychic. However, this problem can actually be proven with medical technology. Ikhlas which has been seen as a mystery can be proved quantitatively through the secretion of the hormone cortisol in the body condition parameters. In normal conditions, the amount of cortisol in the morning Among normal 38-690 nmol / liter. While at night or after 24.00 hours, this number increased to 69-345 nmol / liter.

"If the number of normal kortisolnya hormone, may be indicated that the person is not sincere because he felt depressed. Vice versa, "he said, confirms the findings of this dispute the old paradigm that considers the Islamic religious teachings solely dogma or doctrine.

According to Drs. Soleh, the stress is usually very susceptible to disease infection and cancer. By doing tahajud regularly and with feelings of upright and not have to, someone will have a good immune response and most likely protected from infectious diseases and cancer. Based on medical computing, such a prayer tahajud cause someone has a good body resistance.

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Science Word Dadi

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Word dadi Science is the science of speech become a reality (the natural sciences and the science of al-Quran).
Science dadi berasaldari word knowledge of Java and Arabic science, the science is very dangerous and very scary. If dipersalahgunakan, who has this knowledge is only one word that is clean, if you have a word of knowledge word of whether the science be science dadi dadi you what failed? Answer: depending on the person who intends to really want to make science into a science word dadi with 9 goals then your knowledge and experience into knowledge that is very dangerous and scary, if you talk bad as people then you become kenyataan.Khususnya greeting on the island of Java many science mengjarkan hermitage that word but the problem is whether the word science professor dadi that knowledge into a science or science fails successful, not everyone managed to belajarilmu word because only pious to the gods.
Science word dadi have 10 courses that must be implemented and at obey the students to use science Sabdo orng dadi.
Subjects Sabdo dadi:
1. Confident and percayan to God S.W.T
2. He attended a Muslim Islamic Prophet Muhammad kenjeng
3. Benchmark in Al-Quran and hadith
4. Shari'a must be lived a straight and true
5. Polite
6. Respecting fellow human beings
7. Do not be arrogant
8. Definition
9. Do not lie
10. Patient

And so will divulge a little secret I know the problem Kasepuhan sciences Sabdo dadi.
List sciences Kasepuhan Sabdo dadi:
1. Income ringin yellow
2. Income ringin kenungsan
3. Gendam
4. Harjuno Sewu
5. praying angel
6. Jolo sutro
7. etc..
Kasepuhanya science is still a lot I cuman leaking a little.
Messages for the opening of this web, if you want to learn the Quran and the occult sciences you have no intention to worship the gods, must be strong physically and mentally menghadapin many trials because the people who have this knowledge will be given a lot of temptation on the gods.

GOD always remind us,
Realize MAN TO DO,
THAT THE UNIVERSE WHEN INIAKAN whether it be destroyed ..

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